About Our Church

About Us

We are a church part of the KAPC and dedicated to Reformed theology and the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

We seek to be a community of believers, to be faithful to God’s call for us to worship – we seek to faithfully preach God’s Word, properly administer the sacraments, exercise church discipline, and glorify the Lord in all that we do.

We seek to faithfully preach and teach biblical truth from the inerrant Holy Word of God.

We seek to be a community of servants, serving the Lord and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

We seek to obey God’s commands of love, to love the Lord with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.


미주총회 (KAPC) 뉴욕서노회 (New York West Presbytery)

Our Beliefs: As a Reformed church part of the Korean American Presbyterian Church, we hold to the creed and doctrine held by the KAPC which include the 12 Creed of the KAPC and the Westminster Confession of Faith.

담임목사 소개

양조경 목사
스토니 부룩 뉴욕 주립대 졸업 (생화학과)
웨스트민스터 신학 대학원 (필라델피아) M.Div
동신학원 Master (조직신학) 과정수료
미주총회 (KAPC) 뉴욕서노회 목사안수, 노회장 역임
밝은빛교회 (전 두란노장로교회) 담임, 현 뉴욕중앙교회 담임

Pastor Tim Young
Pastor Young has been ordained in the West Presbytery of the KAPC in March 2016. He completed his undergrad at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL, received his MDiv at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, and is currently working on his PhD in church history at Westminster. Pastor Young has served as youth pastor for 8 years in Korean Philadelphia Church and Love of Christ Presbyterian Church and has served as the English Ministry pastor at Joong Ang since September 2015.

예배시간 / Worship Services

  • 주일예배 오전 11시
  • 영어예배 오전 9시30분
  • 수요예배 저녁 8시
  • 새벽기도회 오전 6시
  • EM service- 9:30am every Sunday
  • Bible study- 10:30am every Sunday


The Joong Ang Presbyterian Church of NY
32-50 61st Street, Woodside, NY 11377
Tel: 718-274-0809
Email: info@nyjachurch.com

Direction to Church